1. 3月19日,召开本月校长早茶会活动。
On March 19, the President's morning tea meeting was held this month.
2. 3月21日,小学部及初中部开展春季研学活动。
On March 21, the Primary School and Middle School held spring study activities.
3. 3月21日,部分教师参加区级班主任技能大赛。
On March 21, some teachers participated in the district-level class teacher skills competition.
4. 各学部继续开展雷锋月相关活动。
All departments continue to carry out Lei Feng Month related activities.
5. ?小初学部继续开展骨干教师献课活动。
The primary and junior school continue to carry out the activities of the backbone teachers.
6. 小学部幼小衔接班举办家长开放日活动。
Open Day activities for parents were held in the Primary School.