? ? ?成都王府倡导“构建一所充满爱与幸福,受人尊敬的好学校”,将“爱与幸福”的办学理念践行于日常工作中。王府关注孩子的身体和心灵健康成长,鼓励每一位王府人用行动创造幸福,“传播爱、连接爱、分享爱”,让王府不仅成为知识的殿堂,更是全体社区人幸福的家园。一次次“校长早茶会”的召开,拉近了学校与家长间的距离,为学校和家庭架起了沟通的桥梁,形成了学校、家庭、教师的教育合力。让我们共同期待下个月的“校长早茶会”吧!
? ? The Principal Tea session of our school was held in the auditorium, The leaders of each department introduced their work highlights and the work plans to parents in detail. Home and school communicate with each other on key issues of concern. Our Tea session narrowed the distance between two sides.