We will welcome leaders of the FaZheng Group office to visit our school for inspection.
2. 10月30日,管校长带领小学语文组受邀前往重庆九龙坡区教师进修学院进行学术交流活动。
On October 30th, Principal Guan will lead the Chinese teaching group of primary school to Chongqing Jiulongpo District Teachers' Training College for academic exchange activities.
3. 10月31日,学??沟?9期教师读书分享会。
On October 31st, the 19th teacher reading and sharing get-together will take place.
4. 11月1日,学校召开10月全体教职工行动例会。
On November 1st, the school will hold a regular meeting for faculty and staff.
5. 学校组织教职工开展本年度体检。
The school will make faculty and staff take their annual health examination.
6. 王府教职工参加温江区教育系统综合运动会。
Our school staff will join in the Comprehensive Sports Meeting of Wenjiang District Education System.