1. 初中部各年级组针对半期学业测评结果开展成绩分析会议。Teaching group of each grade? in the junior high school will hold a result analysis meeting regarding the mid-term academic assessment results.
2. 11月12日, 日本洲本市友好学校领导一行到我校参访交流。
On November 12th, a group of leaders from our sister school in Shimonoseki City, Japan will visit the school.
3. 11月13日,美国约翰百斯特高中领导到我校参访交流。
On November 13th, the leaders of John Bapst School in the United States will visit and exchange with our school.
4. 宿管部开展小学部住校生第六届内务整理比赛。
The Dormitory Management Department will carry out the 6th Dormitory Tidying Competition for boarding students in our primary school.
5. 11月15日下午,小初学部各学段新生汇报会。
On the afternoon of November 15th, the new students' report meetings for primary and junior high school will take place.
6. 艺体中心召开新年音乐会筹备会。
The Art and Sports Center will hold a preparatory meeting for the New Year Concert.