The Art and Sports Center will make preparations for the New Year concert.
2. 小学部筹备开展幼小衔接家长开放日。
The primary school department will prepare for the parents' open day for preschool-primary school transition classes.
The mid-term work meeting of the school-level parents' committee will be held on December 3rd.
4. 12月5-6日,管校长带领行政团队赴重庆市华师中旭学校开展学术交流并签约“基础教育人文科创学校联盟”。
From December 5th to 6th, Principal Guan will lead the administrative team to go to Chongqing Huashi Zhongxu School to conduct academic exchanges and sign the contract for the "Basic Education Humanities, Science and Innovation School Alliance".
5. 12月7-8日,音乐组老师组织学生参加成都市体育人才大赛。
From December 7th to 8th, the music teachers will organize students to participate in the Chengdu Sports Talents Competition.