The Moral Education Department will conduct site inspections for students' spring research and study activities.
2. 王府家长学校正式开学,按课程方案行课。
The Parent School will begin its spring semester and follow the curriculum plan for classes.??
3. 筹备开展小学部新学期表彰大会。
Preparations will start for the elementary school's new semester commendation ceremony.??
4. 中小学德育处开展 “学雷锋月”系列活动。
The elementary and secondary Moral Education Offices will launch the "Learn from Lei Feng Month" series of activities.??
5. 3月8日,开展教职工“三八”妇女节系列活动。
On March 8th, a series of International Women's Day events for faculty and staff will be held.??
6. 筹备3月中旬澳洲友好学校来校访问交流相关准备工作。
Preparations will begin for the mid-March visit and exchange with our Australian sister school.??
7. 3月18日,开展学校第九届校园歌手大赛决赛。
On March 18th, the finals of the school's 9th Campus Singer Competition will take place.?
8. 校级家委会全体会议,讨论本期工作方案。
A plenary meeting of the school - level parents' committee will be held to discuss the work plan for this semester.?