? ? ??国家多次发文要求对中小学生加强防溺水教育,成都王府管小波校长谈到学校开设游泳课初衷就是:“希望我们王府娃将来遇水既能自救,还能救人。”相信王府学子在训练有素的游泳教练专业指导下,一定会学得开心安全,学有所成。
P.E is an important foundation of moral and intellectual education for students. Swimming can not only strengthen the body, but also a survival skill. In order to cultivate the habit of physical exercise and lifelong exercise, the swimming class of Grade One started on the afternoon of Sept 16th. Under the guidance of several professional coaches, the students began to get familiar with the learning of water-based skills, floating skills and breathing skills. Well-trained experienced coach have been following the whole process, so that the children can have fun in the safe situation.