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? ? ? 小小的跳蚤市场,蕴含着无限的教育契机。著名教育家陶行知提出,“生活即教育,一日生活皆课程”,同学们在这次实践中体验了生活中蕴含的许多道理,老师们也将一如既往地为同学们的全面发展助力。跳蚤市场为同学们搭建了闲置物品交易的平台,让勤俭节约、循环经济、生态环保的理念深入人心。
? ? ?In order to celebrate the Children's Day, strengthen students' team consciousness, cultivate and strengthen students' abilities of cooperation, hands-on, communication and creativity, our school launched the first “Flea market” on June 1. The children took their spare cultural goods, toys, trinkets and books to the market and financial transaction with their classmates to experience “Fair trade” and “Happy Labor”.